30 Apr 2018
The Podiatry Board of Australia (the Board) has today published a revised for endorsement for scheduled medicines registration standard and associated guidelines which will come into effect on 1 August 2018.
The revised standard replaces the current registration standard and will apply to podiatrists and podiatric surgeons:
To help the podiatry profession prepare for the revised standard and guidelines coming into effect they are being published in advance, together with useful FAQ and information on transitional arrangements.
Podiatrists and podiatric surgeons are asked to review the revised standard and guidelines and supporting information. It is particularly important for those practitioners who are working towards an endorsement under Pathway 2 of the current registration standard but have not yet applied for endorsement when the new standard commences on 1 August 2018 to review the transitional arrangements that will apply to them.
The key changes to the registration standard are:
There have also been changes to the National Podiatry Scheduled Medicines List, which is now attached to the registration standard. More information about the changes to the registration standard, National Podiatry Scheduled Medicines List and guidelines can be found in the FAQ.
The revised standard was approved by the Ministerial Council on 2 February 2018 following public consultation in late 2016. The submissions to the public consultation are published on the past consultations page.
Further information to support the implementation of the new standard will be published on the Board’s website on 1 August 2018, when the new standard takes effect.