Podiatry Board of Australia - Overseas trained podiatrists and podiatric surgeons
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Overseas trained podiatrists and podiatric surgeons

Overseas applicants

You must apply as an overseas qualified applicant if you have:

  • obtained your podiatry or podiatric surgery qualifications in a country outside Australia 
  • not successfully completed the Australia and New Zealand Podiatry Accreditation Council (ANZPAC) assessment between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2019
  • not completed an approved qualification leading to registration in Australia, and 
  • not held registration in Australia before

Application fees

Applicants are required to pay an application fee and a registration fee. All the Board’s fees are published on the schedule of fees.

Registration and employment as a podiatrist or podiatric surgeon in Australia

To work as a podiatrist or podiatric surgeon in Australia, you need to apply for and be registered with the Podiatry Board of Australia.

We recommend that you do not apply for work or set up a practice until your registration eligibility is assessed and confirmed. Please note Ahpra and the Board cannot assist you in seeking employment or influence employment outcomes.

You may also need to apply for a visa issued by the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (Australian Immigration Department).

These two application processes are entirely separate and success in one does not automatically guarantee success in the other.

More information on visa applications, including skills assessments and assessing authorities is available on the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website.

Refer to the following sections for registration pathways and specific information for overseas trained podiatrists and podiatric surgeons:

Who is Ahpra?

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) supports the 15 National Boards in their role of protecting the public and setting standards and policies that all registered health practitioners must meet.

Ahpra and the National Boards work together to register and renew health practitioners and, where required, investigate complaints or concerns regarding health practitioners.

Ahpra's operations are governed by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law which came into effect on 1 July 2010. This law applies in each Australian state and territory and is sometimes referred to on our sites as ‘the National Law’.

All health practitioners registered to practise are included on the national register of practitioners which is managed by Ahpra.

Find out more about Ahpra.

Page reviewed 20/03/2025